A detailed plan of action for future parents.
We will present a plan of eight mandatory items that will help reduce the risk of developing fetal abnormalities and maintain the health of the mother during pregnancy.
1. Go in for sports
If you are sedentary, add physical activity. Exercises with high and medium intensity increaseA prospective cohort study of physical activity and time-to-pregnancy ability to conceive, especially in women with excess weight.
Having accustomed yourself to physical activity before pregnancy, you are more likely to continue the exercises and after its onset, and this has a proven positive effect.
Physical activity before and during pregnancy reducesPhysical Activity Before and During Pregnancy and Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitusrisk of gestational diabetes, reducesGuidelines for Physical Activity during Pregnancy: Comparisons From Around the Worldduration of delivery and reducesInfluence of prenatal physical activity on the course of labor, according to the new Polish standard for perinatal care. risk of complications.
While you are not yet pregnant, choose any sport as you wish, and from the first trimester go to softer and safer activities. The most suitable activity for pregnant women is considered to beGuidelines for Physical Activity during Pregnancy: Comparisons From Around the World:
- Aerobic exercise with moderate intensity;
- exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor;
- walking;
- swimming;
- stretching;
- strengthening exercises.
Pregnant women are not advised to engage in cycling and horse riding, gymnastics and hockey, as well as all sports where you can fall, get injured or overload your joints.
2. Eat right
Even before the onset of pregnancy, it is worth taking care of your weight.
Overweight and obesity in pregnancy are risk factors for many adverse outcomes (spontaneous abortion, congenital fetal anomalies, stillbirth), as well as complications of pregnancy (diabetes, arising during pregnancy, preeclampsia, thromboembolism).
To get rid of excess weight, go for a healthy diet. For a complete ration, add the following categoriesNutrition Before Pregnancy products:
- Cereals. Wheat, oats, buckwheat, rice, corn, and beans. Try to choose whole grains or little-processed foods.
- Vegetables. Alternate dark green, red and orange. Choose fresh or frozen seasonal products.
- Fruit. Eat fresh, canned in your own juice or water, frozen or dried seasonal fruits.
- Milk products. Choose foods that are low in fat, rich in calcium.
- Meat and fish. Protein is necessary for normal fetal development and placental health during pregnancy. Before pregnancy, a sufficient amount of protein helps to prolong the sense of satiety and reduce weight.
- Correct fats. Try to limit the amount of harmful trans fatsType of fatty acids in maternal diets during pregnancy and / or lactation and metabolic consequences of the offspring. Obtain the necessary saturated and unsaturated fats from fat, dairy products, fish, vegetable oils, and nuts.
Do not get involved in strict diets. A recent studyLow carbohydrate intakerevealed that diets with a low amount of carbohydrates before and during pregnancy can cause a congenital neural tube defect. Without enough carbohydrates in the mother's diet, the risk of defects in the fetal spinal cord and brain is increased by 30%.
At the same time, the head of the study, Dr. Tania Desrosiers (Tania Desrosiers), noted that folate can help prevent neural tube defects (folic acid also applies to them). However, this vitamin is not the only one necessary for pregnant women. At the planning stage and during pregnancy, it is necessary to take care of other useful substances.
3. Take supplements with micronutrients
Malnourished mothers increase the risk of giving birth to children with low birth weight (less than 2.5 kg), premature birth, fetal growth retardation, perinatal diseases and mortality, and the deficit of certain nutrients increases the risk of congenital anomalies and malformations of the fetus.Anna Cannabich, gynecologist of the mobile clinic DOC +
Full nutrition is necessary for a healthy pregnancy, but some vitamins are difficult to obtain in sufficient quantities only from food. A shortage of vitamins and other elements can be replenished with the help of special additives.
You can buy supplements with vitamins and elements separately or choose a suitable complex. For example, the complex " Pregnonton Mama " was created just for those who only thought about the child, but also suitable for all trimesters of pregnancy and lactation.
Below we will consider several vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a woman and a future child at the planning stage, during pregnancy, and during breastfeeding.
Folic acid
Deficiency of folate, including folic acid, increasesPostmestrial approach to the appointment of vitamin-mineral complexes based on a systematic analysis of the biological significance of vitamins and trace elements in the mother-placenta-fetus system risk of developing congenital defects of the cardiovascular system and neural tube of the fetus.
Studies have shown that to replace the lack of folate synthetic folic acid is better to replace the 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate. It is a natural form of vitamin B9 (folic acid) and is digested much better. Scientific reviewIs 5-methyltetrahydrofolate an alternative to folic acid for the prevention of neural tube defects? scientists from the University of Saarland in Germany argue that natural folate 5-methyltetrahydrofolate is fully absorbed by the body, does not have an upper absorption level and does not mask the vitamin B12 deficiency.
Therefore, when choosing a vitamin complex or an additive with folate, pay attention to its shape. In the complex "Pregnonton Mama" contains 200 mcg of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (extrapholate) and 200 mcg of folic acid, which significantly increases digestion compared with taking only folic acid or foods rich in this vitamin.
A lack of iron can lead to anemia, which is dangerous for both the mother and the baby. It can causeAnemia and Associated Factors Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care Clinic in Wolayita Sodo Town, Southern Ethiopiapremature birth, to limit the growth of the fetus and to provoke a small weight of the newborn.
The vitamin complex " Pregnonton Mama " contains liposome iron. When choosing additives, be sure to pay attention to the shape of the iron. The fact is that additives with sulfate, fumarate and iron pyrophosphate can cause ironLiposome: A more Effective Iron Supplement for Sports Anemia and Anemia of Inflammation damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, discomfort, nausea, and constipation.
Liposome iron helpsComparison between liposomal iron and ferrous sulfate in patients with iron deficiency anemia and inflammatory bowel disease. A pilot controlled studyavoid these effects. The liposome is a non-toxic vesicle of nanoscale. Iron, protected by such a bubble, is not released in the gastrointestinal tract and does not cause nausea and other side effects. At the same time, the bioavailability of liposomal iron is 3.5 times higher than the bioavailability of iron pyrophosphate, 2.7 times that of iron sulfate and 4.7 times that of iron fumarate.
Lack of iodine can causeMaternal Diet and Nutrient Requirements in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. An Italian Consensus Documentabortion, congenital defects and neurological problems. After the 12th week of pregnancy, iodine is needed for the production of thyroid hormones in the fetus, so after this period, its amount is necessaryMany pregnant women have insufficient iodine; may impair baby's neurological development increase to 150-250 mcg per day.
In the vitamin complex "Pregnonton Mama" contains 150 mcg of iodine - this is quite enough for the planning period, the very pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Vitamin D
A sufficient amount of this vitamin affectsFather's pre-conception of vitamin D, linked to a child's height and weight at 5 years oldon the formation of the musculoskeletal system and overall fetal health. In addition, vitamin D reducesVitamin A syringe risk of premature birth and low birth weight.
The recommended norm for women is 600 IU, but in vitamin complexes, it is impossible to find such a quantity of the substance. The fact that manufacturers take into account the consumption of each vitamin and mineral with food and reduce its amount in the complex to avoid possible overdoses.
For example, in the complex "Pregnonton Mama" contains 5 μg (200 IU) of vitamin D. The remaining norm of the vitamin can be obtained from herring, salmon, mackerel, yolks of eggs, sour cream, butter, poultry liver, and cattle. Include these foods in your diet along with vitamins.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3
Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids reduceMaternal Diet and Nutrient Requirements in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. An Italian Consensus Documentrisk of premature birth, death of the fetus and postpartum depression of the mother. In addition, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - one of the varieties of omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids - has a great influence on the development of the brain and fetal retina.
Since omega-3 fatty acids are irreplaceable and not produced in the body, they must come with food. The best source of omega-3 is fish and seafood, but since many pregnant women are afraid to consume marine fish because of the possible mercury contentMercury releases contaminate ocean fish: New research important to discussion of international mercury, dangerous to the fetus, you can get omega-3 from supplements.
The complex "Pregnonton Mama" contains 200 mg of DHA - this is how much it takesDietary fat intakes for pregnant and lactating women for the normal development of the fetus.
Start taking vitamin-mineral complexes three months before the expected pregnancy. This will create in the body a stock of all the necessary micronutrients.
4. Go to the dentist
Pregnant women are more likelyOral health challenges in pregnant women: Recommendations for dental care professionals to the appearance of caries due to increased acidity in the oral cavity, are 30% more prone to periodontal diseases and gingivitis (bleeding gums).
Since during pregnancy, the risk of oral disease increases, it is worth to go to the dentist in advance, check the condition of the teeth, remove all defects and consult about further measures.
In addition, observe several rules:
- Reduce the amount of sugar and sugary drinks;
- brush your teeth twice a day with fluorinated paste;
- use dental floss every day;
- chew gum without sugar to normalize the pH in the oral cavity.
5. Learn all about your health
Three months before conception, it is recommended to undergo pregravid preparation: to pass tests, identify risks and, if possible, eliminate them.
As part of the pre-marital training, the spouses are screened for all types of sexually transmitted infections, blood tests for hepatitis, pale treponema viruses, HIV, measles, rubella, varicella, toxoplasma and others. If necessary, the spouses can be vaccinated against rubella, measles, chicken pox.
Also at the planning stage of pregnancy it is advisable to check the thyroid gland.
"Testing and monitoring thyroid function usually involves the delivery of tests for hormones and ultrasound. The revealed disorders can lead to anovulation, infertility, spontaneous miscarriage, premature birth, delayed fetal development and perinatal complications, "says Anna Cannabich, a gynecologist at the mobile clinic DOC +.
6. Take the genetic test
Genetic research is simply necessary if you or your relatives have hereditary diseases, but to exclude the risks they can be carried out and healthy people.
Sometimes healthy people do not even suspect that they are carriers of the so-called balanced chromosome rearrangements (aberrations) that do not appear in any way externally but can be responsible for infertility or miscarriage.
Natalia Begljarova says that the most important part of genetic diagnosis in preparing for pregnancy is the definition of karyotype, or karyotyping.
This diagnosis can reveal the doubling or absence of any chromosome, the movement or rotation of the site inside the chromosome - gross abnormalities in the structure and number of chromosomes that can cause spontaneous termination of pregnancy and stillbirth, as well as more than 700 diseases, including Down's syndrome, dementia, physical defects the fetus.
Karyotype of a person is unchanged throughout life, so research can be done once in a lifetime at any age. In some countries, for example in the UAE, karyotyping is part of a set of mandatory tests before marriage.Natalya Beglyarova, leading expert of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics (CMD) of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor
For this test, blood is transferred from the vein to the laboratory. A month before the study you need to give up antibiotics, for three days - from alcohol. Blood surrenders in a state of satiety, not on an empty stomach.
7. Watch for emotional state
Stress, anxiety, and depression during pregnancy affect negative anxiety, depression and stress in pregnancy: implications for mothers, children, research, and practiceon the development of the nervous system of the fetus, as well as the development of the child after birth. Therefore, it is important to improve the emotional state of the mother before the onset of pregnancy.
Observe the daily routine, normalize sleep and nutrition, add physical activity, try methods of auto-training and meditation. After the onset of pregnancy, the emotional state of a woman can be unstable: due to hormonal changes, tearfulness, touchiness, anxiety increase.
In order not to increase stress, during pregnancy you should be in a comfortable environment, with loving and understanding people. You can discuss this with your family in advance, solve problems with work, if there are often stressful situations, visit a perinatal psychologist.
8. Give up bad habits
Refusal from smoking and alcohol is necessary for bearing a healthy child. Children whose mothers smoked during the pregnancy areA quasi-experimental study of maternal care during pregnancy and offspring lower intellectual abilities, problems with hyperactivity and antisocial behavior.
Smoking should be eliminated during the preparation phase in five cycles. When smoking, carbon monoxide enters the bloodstream, which leads to circulatory hypoxia, can disrupt the formation of the placental bed, cause premature placenta aging and delay the development of the fetus. Also, during fetal development, the fetus is very sensitive to alcohol during the second to the ninth week, use can lead to malformations and deformities.Anna Cannabich, gynecologist of the mobile clinic DOC +
Refuse bad habits even at the planning stage, and you do not have to suffer from guilt and risk the health of the child during pregnancy.
According to statistics, in Russia no more than 4% of couples purposefully prepare for the birth of a baby. This indicator is the result of insufficient awareness of future parents about the importance and benefits of preparing for parenting.Irina Lukoshkina, Director of the "Embrio" reproduction clinic, Candidate of Medical Sciences, reproductive technologist, obstetrician-gynecologist
Proper planning significantly increases the chances of a healthy pregnancy and the proper development of the fetus.
Be active, eat properly and take vitamin and mineral complexes, watch your physical health and emotional state, and you can avoid many problems, protect yourself and the child.
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