Does the Dukan diet have the appropriate beneficial properties to be considered a healthy and long-term diet? What are the advantages of the Dukan diet ?. Let's see some important points to emphasize of this diet based on pure protein to have a flat abdomen.
- The Dukan diet is designed to let you lose considerable amounts of weight quickly, which can be very striking.
- It works for people who feel they need to follow precise rules to lose weight.
- If you do not care much about the monotony, this diet can save you time when preparing your meals since the options are very few at first.
- It is not necessary to keep records and calorie accounts.
- The diet requires abandoning indisputably harmful products such as alcohol, sugars and refined and processed fats, salt, etc.
It is not a diet for weak people. It is extremely limited during the thinning phases. That's why many people who start it are not able to conclude it, they get bored by the monotony.
Good amount of weight lost during the attack phase is due to the loss of water associated with a liver energy reserve called glycogen that is used when there is carbohydrate deficiency. Dr. Dukan says that it is normal to see a fluctuation in weight in the first days, which is the result of the loss of glycogen water. And this is the reason why eating a donut, for example, can produce an abrupt increase of up to 1.5 kilos at the beginning, because glycogen water can easily recover when the body gets carbohydrates.
There is no doubt about the beneficial effect of proteins on the control of appetite. But recent studies have shown that better results can be obtained by preparing a combination of proteins with fiber carbohydrates such as scrambled eggs on whole wheat bread. Therefore, it makes no sense to focus exclusively on proteins.
Consuming oat bran daily is another habit not recommended. This product contains phytates, compounds that adhere to minerals such as iron and zinc to reduce their absorption. It is much healthier to obtain fiber by foods such as whole-grain products, pulses, fruits and vegetables.
Regarding the limitation of fruits and vegetables, experts have recommended for years not to stop consuming these foods for a number of reasons: lower the risk of developing cancer and heart disease, help control weight, maintain health of skin and hair, etc. There is enough clinical evidence supporting these claims. It is illogical and even irresponsible to recommend a diet that generates a deficiency of these basic foods.
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